Teaching Projects

TTHub or Learn TEI in Spanish

In TTHub we offer many materials in open access to learn about digital editing and text encoding in Spanish. In English, we already have several resources to learn the Text Encoding Initiative, such as the TEI By Example, but TTHub is the first one in Spanish. The site hosts several tutorials online in the section “Aprende” that can be accessed online or be downloaded in beautiful PDF from the academic repository Zenodo (where each publication has a DOI or permanent identifier). Here you will find the list of modules that I wrote: https://tthub.io/aprende/ and you will access to the Zenodo community with other materials, always related to TEI and digital editing.

Digital Lorca: Descubriendo las Américas

This advanced course was devoted to Cultural Topics in the Spanish-speaking world. In Fall 2017, I concentrated this seminar on the figure of Federico García Lorca, the cultural context in which he developed as a writer, and his travel experience in Cuba. One of the main goals was the creation of a digital project taking advantage of one of the collections held at the Richter Library: “García Lorca’s Papers”. The result of the course was a static website with a description, a timeline (Timeline.js), an interactive map (StoryMap.js), a photo gallery, a simple digital edition of the postcards (XML-TEI), and a bibliography. Now this course corresponds to a new DH course: SPA 410 Digital Literacy through Cultural and Literary Topics.

Minilazarillo. Edición mínima del Lazarillo de Tormes

At Columbia University (LAIC ), together with Alex Gil, we offered the course Minimal Editions: From the Manuscript to the Web. Our goal was to introduce our students to the full stack of digital technologies to create a minimal edition, and to teach some basics on textual scholarship. The result was The MiniLazarillo project, which was a great experience! Each student had a task, depending on their skills. During DH Krakow 2016 we gave a talk about our experience on Minimal Editions in the Classroom, check the abstract here!

The project has been recently reviewed: A review of Mini Lazarillo, a minimal digital edition of Lazarillo de Tormes, created by Susanna Allés-Torrent, Alex Gil, Armando León, Falls Kennedy, Fiona Kibblewhite, and Taewan Shim, by Gimena del Rio Riande (April 2020)

Other works done by my students:

In past courses some of my students have done amazing work with digital tools. Here you have a sample of their final projects:

Final papers done with Scalar:

Others decided to create a digital editions, like this students who decided to edit her parents love letters: