Our translation of Poggio Bracciolini’s Dialogus an seni sit uxor ducenda (If an old man should marry) is finally out! I am very grateful to Adesiara and its editor Jordi Raventós for giving us this opportunity. Translating this short work with my high school Latin teacher, Ignasi Mascaró, was a lot of fun, as it is this humanistic Italian work. This translation is the first one in Catalan; there are only two French translations (one from 1877 by Alcide Bonneau and a modern one by Véronique Bruez, 2004) and one in Italian by Gino Bogliolo (2014). The cover image represents Aristotle and Phyllis and it was done by Giovanni Buonconsiglio around 1500-1512. You will find more information about the volume here and we have already some reviews: Eix Diari.
Bracciolini Translated